Thanksgiving Crafts

Place Mats

A Thanksgiving Placemat to Color.Left SideRight Side
Pictures of a pilgrim and an Indian child to color. Overlap pictures and glue.

Thank You God for Everything Place MatThis is in color and is 8.5 x 11 inches. You could back this with a large piece of construction paper and fringe the edges to make a larger place mat.

A Happy Thanksgiving Place Mat
This is from Jan Brett.

Give Thanks Place Mat to Color.
Trim the left edge of the second sheet. Line up the pages and then glue. Trim the right side of the second page and color.

Turkey Crafts

Thanksgiving Chain
This Thanksgiving chain could be started at the beginning of November and added to each day. Children can write each day about something for which they are thankful. Individual chains could be attached to a turkey or other picture, or you can grow one long chain around the room. Print the chain links on colorful card stock.

Cereal Box Turkey Puppets
These cute turkey puppets can be made from cereal boxes or other card stock. These are from

Leaf Crafts

Leaf Template
This leaf template is from enchanted and it can be used for many different fall projects.

A Colorful Leaf Craft
There are no patterns or instructions here but these look easy enough to copy. These are from

A Thankful Wreath of Leaves
A wreath made from leaves from Children write what they are thankful for on each leaf.

Pilgrim, Indian, and Mayflower Crafts

Pilgrim Bag Puppets
Boy(black and white)Girl(color) Girl(black and white)Pilgrim Hats

Indian Boy Bag Puppet

Paper Plate Pilgrims
Use this craft to teach about the Pilgrims. This is from