Puppet Scripts and Stages

Puppet Scripts

Bible Based Scripts

Noah's Story
By Ray Bradley.

Noah's Ark Puppet Play
By LuAnn Payne on christiancrafters.com.

Free Puppet Scripts
A large number of free scripts at puppetresources.com. Browse categories.

More Free Puppet Skits
These are from eliab.com

Three Free Puppet Scripts from CCES
Click on scripts on the right side of page.

Secular Scripts

Stone Soup
From pbskids.org.

Zoom Playhouse
A large collection of scripts.

Puppet Scripts from Legends and Lore

Puppet Stage Links

Plans for a Traveling Puppet Stage
This stage is 8' wide by 4' deep and is from kids4god.tripod.org.

How To Build a Collapsible Puppet Stage
This is from childrensministry.org.

Classroom Portable Puppet Theater
This is sold by Amazon.

Doorway Puppet Stage
Use a Doorway for a Puppet Stage. Use an adjustable tension rod, and put a tablecloth, sheet, or other material over it.

A Tablecloth Puppet Stage
We used this on a mission trip to Belize, since we could not take a stage with us.

Other Puppet Resources

20 Ways to Use a Puppet
Some excellent ideas from eliab.com.

20 Ways a Puppet Can Teach a Memory Verse.
Great ideas from eliab.com.

Puppet Resource Center
A variety of information about puppets including writing a puppet play, making puppets come alive, and more.